Catrina is an integral part of the Mexican culture, and is one of the most recognized figures spotted around Día de Muertos festivities.
This "Catrina En La Cocina," figurine has been beautifully hand-painted, and has been created out of papier-mâché, the popular crafting technique that uses paper and a paste. She was designed specifically for your kitchen or any shelf display. This remarkable Catrina effortlessly sits on her own, adorned with intricate details. She gracefully holds a spatula, dons a charming apron, and is accompanied by two delicate butterflies.
Papier-mâché is the layering of moistened paper and other materials onto a blank surface like a balloon. The adhesive used to wet the paper acts as a binding agent. As the paper dries, the outer shell hardens, which can then be painted and decorated.
The incredible attention to detail instantly makes this Catrina creation a must in any Mexican folk art collection.